Spiritual Life Coaching Services & Programs
My experience is that sometimes we need someone to help us shift gears to help us deal with change, deal with the loss of a loved one, to help us grow or to move into a new phase in our lives.
A spiritual life coach is not about religion but about that part of us that connects us to the unseen spiritual and emotional world that is so much part of our inner world and our make-up. A spiritual life coach helps us transform many of life's challenges into opportunities to connect with our higher guidance, gain better understanding of our path and grow in new directions. We can choose not to be a victim of things we cannot control and experience the freedom of new opportunities to evolve and become all we can be.
I can help you draw your focus away from any negativity or judgements surrounding you so that you can take charge and focus on the positive. I understand that what you give your attention to grows, and I can help clients shift their thinking from despair to appreciation and anticipation of new and new ways.
You may not feel comfortable talking to friends and family members about your problems due to a fear of judgment and ridicule, or perhaps what you are experiencing is too private and personal to share with the people in your life. However, such barriers don’t exist between a spiritual life coach and their client. I offer a private, secure environment where you can open up about how you feel deep down inside and make room for healing and growth.
A spiritual life coach is not about religion but about that part of us that connects us to the unseen spiritual and emotional world that is so much part of our inner world and our make-up. A spiritual life coach helps us transform many of life's challenges into opportunities to connect with our higher guidance, gain better understanding of our path and grow in new directions. We can choose not to be a victim of things we cannot control and experience the freedom of new opportunities to evolve and become all we can be.
I can help you draw your focus away from any negativity or judgements surrounding you so that you can take charge and focus on the positive. I understand that what you give your attention to grows, and I can help clients shift their thinking from despair to appreciation and anticipation of new and new ways.
You may not feel comfortable talking to friends and family members about your problems due to a fear of judgment and ridicule, or perhaps what you are experiencing is too private and personal to share with the people in your life. However, such barriers don’t exist between a spiritual life coach and their client. I offer a private, secure environment where you can open up about how you feel deep down inside and make room for healing and growth.
Your Spiritual Life Coach
Master Rev. Dr. Barry King
B.Sc.(Hon.), Ph.D.(T.C.), OM, n.d., Reiki Master and OIIM RSPchmd
Spiritual Life Coach ~ Master Psychic Medium
Registered Spiritual Practitioner specializing in
Mediumship, Spiritual Counselling, Healing & Direction
Covered by Many Extended Health Care Plans as a Naturopathic Therapist
B.Sc.(Hon.), Ph.D.(T.C.), OM, n.d., Reiki Master and OIIM RSPchmd
Spiritual Life Coach ~ Master Psychic Medium
Registered Spiritual Practitioner specializing in
Mediumship, Spiritual Counselling, Healing & Direction
Covered by Many Extended Health Care Plans as a Naturopathic Therapist
A Spiritual Life Coach
About Spiritual Life Coaching
Rev Barry talks about the work of a Spiritual Life Coach and how working with Spirit for many years has shown him the need for this type of service
Rev Barry shares that many people are wanting to connect to their Spiritness. Their personal connection to Spirit, to their soul gifts, to their Spirituality while living & growing in a purposeful, meaningful physical existence.
Covered by Many Extended Health Care Plans as a Naturopathic Therapist
Many Paths to Spirit
There is no only one right way to understand Spiritual life or understand Divine Mind. There are as many ways to understand Spirit as there are people ~ each of us understands Divine Mind in our own personal way. God celebrates Diversity, free-will and the power of choice.
We Live in A World of Our Creation
The Question is" What kind of World do you want?" It is easy to get bogged down in iour physical existence. We forget that we are by nature limitless. We have the power to shape the world that we experience and to allow ourselves to be free of chaos and fear.
Book a Spiritual Life Coach Session
with Rev Dr Barry King
About Spiritual Life Coaching Sessions.
Rev Dr Barry draws on his counselling and spiritual intuitive insight to connects to Spirit and your higher guidance bringing you information and guidance which will allow you to move forward, trust your choices with more confidence and experience purposeful movement.
( 45 Minute Session ) $ 126.50 Can
Rev Dr Barry draws on his counselling and spiritual intuitive insight to connects to Spirit and your higher guidance bringing you information and guidance which will allow you to move forward, trust your choices with more confidence and experience purposeful movement.
( 45 Minute Session ) $ 126.50 Can
Individual Personalized
Spiritual LIfe Coaching Programs
Spiritual LIfe Coaching Programs
A Personalized Spiritual Life Coaching Program is a multi-session program designed with you in mind to help you connect to your higher guidance and assist you in developing a greater understanding of your spiritual path and your choices in this life. Through the program you will develop the discipline, strategies and tools you need to experience greater joy and happiness in your life. ( Multiple Sessions ~ Fee Variable on Duration)
( Ask for a consultation and a personalized program )
Spiritual Life Coaching Day Workshops
Spiritual Life Coaching Day workshops provide a group environment where you can develop your connections to the Divine & experience tools processes that can help you move forward in your current life and achieve greater clarity.